Monday, March 5, 2007

A Drop Of Milk

*Connect To The Literature*
[Question #1] (What Do You Think?) What questions do you have about events in this myth?
[Answer] Some questions i have about events in this myth is how he dies but then comes back from eternal life.

*Think Critically*
[Question #2] How was the world created, according to the first part of the myth? Summarize events in your own words.
[Answer] According to the first part of the myth the world was created with stone, iron, fire, water, and air.

[Question #4] How do you interpret the series of defeats in the myth? In what sense does blindness defeat man, sleep defeat blindness, and so on?
[Answer] It means they each defeat the other things.

[Question #5] Why do you think Doondari returns as Gueno to defeat death?
[Answer] I think Doondari returns to Gueno to defeat death because he wanted to come back and never leave again.

*Extend Interpretations*
[Question #7] (What If?) If man had not been proud, how might the world have turned out?
[Answer] If man wasnt proud, i think the world would of turned out completely different, probably worse than they way it was.

[Question #9] (Connect To Life) How satisfying do you find this Fulani myth's explanation of why death exists?
[Answer] Its pretty satisfying, they make it simple to understand.

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