Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Life [NiceNet Post]

My Life is the same thing everyday but it can change at any point, because i never know what im going to do. I wouldnt change anything about my life i aboustly love it just the way it is. I have a fabulous family & terrific friends, and an amazing boyfriend & that makes everything complete in my life. What I do in my life on a daily basics. Well on school days i just go home, do homework if i have any, talk on the phone & go on the computer. Not very often do friends come over on school days but sometimes they do it all depends, thats what i do unless my grandma has everything planned for me to do. Now on the weekends its complelety different i never know what im going to do on the weekends, but just about every friday night i go downtown to chill with my friends & have fun!

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